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Blairite MPs Want to Give you two Election Choices: A punch in the face or a kick in the head

Chukka Umunna, Jess Phillips, Owen Smith, and Yvette Cooper and the other Blairite MPs represent something hideous:  A clear and present threat to British democracy.  

Whenever they undermine the Labour Party, it is in a misguided effort to return the party to a pro-Blair neoliberal ethos, a Tory tribute act if you will.  Should they succeed, come an election, no matter who you vote for your government will be neoliberal in nature, celebrating the demise of everything good in the country including the NHS.

The Blairites want to give you the electorate two choices; a punch in the face or a kick in the head.  Neoliberal or neoliberal.  No fun and quite frankly not for me.  

At every point, they try and undermine the man who is trying to destroy neoliberalism and make Britain a better place; Jeremy Corbyn.  Unlike the Blairites, Corbyn is not a neoliberal neocon warmonger.  He does not believe that we should have a subservient underclass that serves the rich.  He is not an advocate of economic slavery.

And historically, Corbyn is always right.  Especially on foreign policy issues.  See his stance on Iraq’s weapons of mass delusion, Skripal poisoning, and the parliamentary vote to bomb Syria.  Like WMD, in Syria, the chemical weapons don’t seem to have turned up.  

The fact he now leads the biggest political party in Europe has caused Establishment arses to twitch.  Twitch so badly that big puddles of Establishment narrative are oozing out and can be seen, heard, and read from almost every MSM outlet you can think of.  Establishment members have claimed Labour victories are populist or didn’t happen (see the council elections of May 3rd).  Have labelled Corbyn a Commie, a traitor, an anti-Semite, and a Czech spy.  Possibly, in the future, they will claim that he really is The Batman.  Who knows what they will dream up next.   

How did the Blairites become this existential threat to democracy?  They just don’t seem that clever

It is true the Blairites are not very clever.  Who can forget Owen Smith claiming that one hour contracts were fine, zero hour contracts were not.  Neoliberalism flies in the face of not just socialism but one nation conservatism.  The truth is, you have to be a sociopath or stupid to want neoliberalism.  Or indeed both.

When one looks at the Blairites you are hardly inspired with confidence.  It is hard to imagine them standing up for truth and being attacked from both sides of the house.  Something Corbyn has done since becoming leader.

When Blair became the leader of the Labour Party he continued Thatcher’s neoliberalism project.  This resulted in the seeds of distrust being sown.  Many including myself no longer believe in British/Western Establishment political positions as a result.  We all remember Iraq, the lies, and the millions that died.

Blair’s Labour was a neoliberal government leading a predominantly socialist party.  I think it is fair to say that we all backed Blair believing that this party was going to be different to the neoliberal Thatcher/Major Tory governments.  We believed we finally had a party that was going to do some good things that they were now in government.  In pre-internet days, you could not find information like you can now.  Ignorance wasn’t a choice back then.

To offset the good things about Labour like a sense of fairness, justice, and indeed socialism, Blair and his cohorts chose to parachute in MPs, bypassing party rules and democracy.  Many of these we now know as Blairites.  They believe in neoliberalism and all that it stands for.

As such, Blair’s Labour was the Conservative Party rebranded.  Both were neoliberal and neocon.  Both love the neoliberal model of social cruelty and injustice, war and death, a stark rich fed by the poor’s blood, and both hate the working class.  

The 2017 election was the first one where I had a real choice:  Neoliberalism, or socialism.  Before 2017 my choice was a punch in the face or kick in the head.

As such, when the Blairite MPs try to damage Corbyn, they are damaging democracy itself.  They are trying to return us to the state of elections being damage limitation.  Punched in the face or kicked in the head.  

The constituency labour parties need to act now and deselect the neoliberal fifth column element form the party.  In my view, they are beyond redemption.  They will never get with the beat as they don’t know how to dance.   Instead of looking for inspiration they look for death, war, injustice, and starvation.

Instead of clenching their fists in justified anger at child malnutrition they reach for the tissue to celebrate profit.

Their time has come.


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